What is a blog? It is nothing but a personal website where the person writes whatever he or she feels to write. It may be one’s personal diary. Most often one posts writings on matters of one’s choice; they may be stories, poetries, treatises, political opinions etc. Many blogs are about specific subjects or matters like pets, books, internet and as many as there are in this world. Some blogs inform links to other web pages. In simple way A blog is like an own website. You can compare it to your personal online diary or journal. You can use your blog for exchanging ideas, thoughts, experiences or simply to communicate with family, friends and readers.As per Wikipedia-“Usenet was the primary serial medium included in the original definition of the World Wide Web. It featured the Moderated News Group which allowed all posting in a newsgroup to be under the control of an individual or small group. Most such newsgroups were simply moderated discussion forums, however, in 1983-84, one exception, named mod.ber, was created, named after and managed by an individual: Brian E. Redman. Regularly, Redman and a few associates posted summaries of interesting postings and threads taking place elsewhere on the net. With its serial journal publishing style, presence on the pre-HTTP web and strong similarity to the common blog form which features links to interesting and cool places on the net chosen
by the blogger, mod.ber had many of the characteristics commonly associated with the term ‘blog’. It ceased operation after approximately 8 months. Brad Templeton calls the newsgroup rec.humour.funny (which he founded) the world's oldest still existing blog.”There are more than hundred million blogs in the world now. The exact number can not be ascertained. So I am giving an approximate country-wise blog numbers.Austria: 20,000Belgium: 100,000Bosnia and Herzegovina: less than 3,000Brunei: less than 3,000Canada: 700,000China: 5 million and growingCzech Republic: 5,000Croatia: 40,000Denmark: 5,000Finland: 100,000France: 3 millionGermany: 280,000India: 100,000Ireland: 75,000Israel: 100,000Italy: 200,000Malaysia: 10,000Japan: 4 millionThe Netherlands: 600,000Philippines: 75,000Poland: 1.4 millionRussia: 300,000South Korea: 15 millionSpain: 1.5 millionUkraine: 50,000United Kingdom: 2.5 millionUnited States: 15-30 million And there are several web-hosts offering different blog-sites with different templates. The most prominent hosts among them are as given below:.Xanga: 40 millionsee note at the bottomMSN spaces: 15 millionTerra.es including 1 million users in Spain, at least 2.5 million US and approx 1.5 million in the UKBlogger: 14 million +total registered blogs: Blogger gives a unique indexed number for every new blog, the latest one I’ve observed is over 14 million.Cyworld: 11 millionSixApart: (Live Journal/ TypePad, MT): 9.5 millionI reported 8.7 million at the end of May and LJ has grown by 0.5 million in that time. I’m guessing again on the final figure because MT installs are hard to track, and SixApart haven’t release user numbers on TypePad as far as I’m awarePlanet Weblog Service: 6 millionLeading South Korean blogging providerYahoo Blogs Korea: 3 millionSkyblog: 2.5 millionGreatest Journal: 1 millionOther US Live Journal clones: 1 million Now with so many sites, the opportunity of monetizing came up and the blog-publishers were given the option to offer their sites as money making sources also. So it’s a lucrative exercise now for all the three parties involved-the blogger (as publisher), the Ad providing host and the advertiser. So the blogger finds it interesting to earn money while posting matters in the blog. But the whole matter of generating money from the Ads in the blog-pages lies with the blogger. Unlike the print media here the blog is not open to the public to have full views of the Ads. A blog may never be opened by anyone in the world as every blogger is just like an unknown man in this world and so the chance of Ads published in the blog to be viewed is almost remote. Moreover the Ads in the blog appear as a subject (however beautifully made) only and not in detail in view of space problem. So if a viewer wants to know in detail he or she must have to click the Ad front in order to open it in a full screen. Hence the publicity is effected in clicks by viewer of the blog. The blogger, therefore, is concerned with two things: a) to make the blog interesting, informative whatever the subject is b) the blog must have a large viewer- ship. Here in this matter of viewer -ship a blogger must find ways and means to reach to hundreds of persons and also while taking into account that a reader may not be interested in ads placed on the sides of blog-writing. One in a hundred may click and even then the viewer may not click all the Ads in the blog. So it’s a tough job to monetize one’s blog. To help the blogger there are many companies now who help to bail out the blogger in directing a good traffic to the blog in exchange of some charges. The main Ad hosts of the world that help monetizing the blogs are as follows:http://websense.blogspot.com/http://www.google.com/adsensehttp://www.understandingadsense.com/http://adbrite.com/http://www.sponsoredreviews.com/http://blogsvertise.com/http://crisp:/crispads.comhttp://ads-click.com/http://www.affiliatejunktion.com/http://www.smarty.com/http://www.payu2blog.com/http://www.bidvertiser.com/http://fbexchange.com/http://www.lookery.com/http://payperpost.com/http://www.pubmatic.com/http://www.text-link-ads.com/http://www.turn.com/corp/index.jsphttp://zookode.com/http://globalinteractive.com/Apart from the above sites there are also some web hosts those help the bloggers in many ways –web designing, directing traffic etc. A blogger may also visit the sites below to get the required benefits.http://adwords.blogspot.com/http://widget.criteo.com/http://www.slackermanager.com/http://technocrati.com/http://earnmoneyfromblog1.blogspot.com/http://affiliatejunktion.com/http://rncnet.com/howtopay.htmlHere are a few names of the blog-host sites:Blog.co.ukBlog.Some-Free Word Press BlogMy SpaceBloggerBlogpico.comGoogle Adsense Blog I’ll discuss elaborately in my next posts.

1 comment:
interesting post; there are tools to monetize a blog, but beyond that, the most powerful tool is the blog content itself! when content is good work (like here), we readers will be more willing to click adds; another tool is to develop a social network big enough to generate a lot of views for each articles, increasing chances..
wow at the end it may become a full time job!
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