Geta or Getolina has sent the photo of another flower and written in the following words: I am sending you the picture.... with the text - "just discovered this marvelous flower... Honeysuckle Caprifolium... hm... it smells divine... and I am glad again that you like this flower... so there is not this flower in India... how pity... but there are other gorgeus flowers that I don't know. Thank you for your permission... I really enjoy watching at your creations. Maybe you know that there was a Romanian famous historian of religions, Mircea Eliade... he spent some time in India in his youth and even wrote a famous novel, here in Romania, Maitreyi... When I think of India I always think at his novel... the nature was luxuriant, too... and plenty of smells... unknown for a European.." Here ends geta's writing.
On further study I have come to know the following on the plant:
A beautiful genus, of well-known climbing shrubs, growing from fifteen to twenty feet high, some of them producing their flowers in succession through all the summer and autumnal months. They are all valuable for pillars, arbors, trellises, etc.
Many of the species are natives of North America; among them is the splendid Scarlet Trumpet Honeysuckle, a native of the southern states, but found to be hardy here, and in general cultivation. Its trumpet-shaped flowers are produced in clusters, of a rich scarlet without,and orange within; in bloom from June to October.
Caprifolium flavum. - Yellow Trumpet Monthly Honeysuckle. - This is also a native of the South, but long cultivated in Europe, and from thence introduced here. This continues to bloom all the season.
C. sempervireris. - Evergreen Scarlet Monthly Honeysuckle. - This is also a native of North America, perfectly hardy here; the foliage is evergreen; the flowers trumpet-shaped, of a rich scarlet without, tinged with orange within. The plant grows rapidly, throws out a multitude of branches, and has a singularly rich appearance, from the deep-green of its leaves and the splendor of its scarlet flowers.
C. hirsuta. - Hairy Honeysuckle. - This is a native of Massachusetts, found on damp, rocky banks, often growing to the height of fifteen to thirty feet; the flowers are of a pale-yellow without, hairy, and of a rich orange within; flowers, June and July.
C. periclymenum. - Woodbine. - This is a vigorous-growing English species; flowers pale-yellow, in June; highly fragrant.
The variety belgicum, or Dutch Sweet-scented Honeysuckle, is a well-known fragrant climber, giving a profusion of bloom in June, which emits a delightful odor to all the neighborhood; flowers yellow, variegated with red or purple.
The Dutch Monthly Sweet-scented Honeysuckle is another variety, with flowers somewhat like the last, but are produced in succession through the summer and autumn, until hard frosts. The buds, before they expand, are of a dark-red, or purple. When the flower opens, the interior is pure white, which changes to a cream color, and from that to an orange, giving the cluster a variegated and rich appearance. A variety has oak-shaped leaves.
C. flexuosum, or Chinese Honeysuckle. - A very desirable variety, with evergreen leaves, and delicate flowers through the season; stem flexuous and twining. Like many others of the Chinese plants, it readily supports the rigor of our winters, and, blooming with an exhaustless profusion, presents, from May till late in autumn, rich wreaths of flowers, various in tint, and of an exquisite orange-flower perfume.
The buds are purple; as they expand, the spotless white of its gaping corolla is exhibited, with its protruding stamens tipped with yellow anthers. On exposure to the air, the flowers gradually assume a cream-like tint, and, finally, a perfect orange color; and, as they mature in succession from the base to the extremity of the branch, the colors are all present on the same shoot. The stems and nerves of the leaves are purple; it is nearly evergreen. In rich loam, the growth is luxuriant.
Some beautiful varieties of the Scarlet Trumpet Honeysuckle were imported by us a few years since, that have given great satisfaction. One of the finest is C.floribunda, having clusters of large, trumpet-shaped, orange-scarlet flowers, yellow inside.
The White Italian Honeysuckle has pale-yellow, almost white, flowers. There are many other fine varieties and species of this beautiful tribe, but not much known.